Latest Past Events

St Paul's Sport Academy

We are gearing up to the maiden eidition of the AVF YOUTH OLYMPICS powered by SportsEngland through the National Lottery. Scand the QR Code to register youreslef, group or community.


Join other young people exhibit their talent in different sports including football, netball, table tennis, athletics etc., while building a positive network of young freinds. Remember you can register as a group/community or as an individual. We are porud to say this event is funded  by SportsEngland using the National Lottery. Follow the link below […]


Pickle Factory

African Voices Forum invites young adults (ages 19-25) to our upcoming Youth Work Chop on August 25th! This session, we’ll explore the theme "It Takes a Village" discussing the collective effort of family, friends, and community that shapes our aspirations. Participants will also enjoy a hands-on cooking class where we'll learn to make Kenyan Chapati! […]